The Lifestyle of Japanese nobility in Heian Period (early 11th century).
Many people are interested in Japanese tradition.
Also this lady, from Europe, is interested in
the lifestyle of Japanese nobility in Heian Period.
Noblewomen wore this costume
called Junihitoe which has many layers.
The costume is bit heavy, but
its colour is so beautiful!!
The mainstream of dyeing kimono was
plant dyes at that period.
Especially, purple colour was difficult to dye,
because the plant, called Sikon for dyeing purple,
was rare and valuable!!
So only a part of nobility could wear purple colour kimono.
She tried to wear
such one of the wonderful Junihitoe in our shop 😉

She likes Murasaki-shikibu (Lady Murasaki)
who is a famous classic novelist,
known as an author of Genji Monogatari.
She looks like a real Murasaki-shikibu!!
Also she tried to wear
noble women's outfit for going out.

The women's kimono hem was so long,
so they needed to tuck up the hem.
She changed her costume
to Japanese traditional green colour, called Moegi.
Moegi colour also suits her so much!!
Normally, the noblewomen did not go out,
but they often visited to a shrine.

When they go out, they hide a face with white veil.
It was disgraceful that women show a face,
so they hided their face every time
with a big fan, or a long veil for going out.

This traditional culture is extraordinary for her!!
She really enjoyed the classic Japanese lifestyle.
We are very welcome to enjoy
our traditional costume for everyone!!
*You need to make a reservation first.
More details HERE