


In to the Tale of Genji!!(源氏物語の世界へ)

In to the Tale of Genji!!(源氏物語の世界へ)

The oldest Japanese novel, the Tale of Genji, is written about the lifestyle of Japanese imperial family and noble people during the 11th century (the Heian period).

Nowadays the novel is translated into any language.



This lady read the novel during her primary school time.

Her dream was to be the princess of the Tale of Genji.


Our shop, Miyabi-Yuki, provide the costume of the Tale of Genji,

so she got makeover to her favorite  character!!



At the  Heian period, every woman had longhair, because the woman with a black long hair was considered to be beautiful.


So she keeps her hair growing for this day.

She looks like a real Japanese princess 😉



She very enjoyed the makeover of the Tale of Genji's princess experience!!



Makeover to the princess of the Heian period

<Juin-Hitoe costume experience >

JPY  16,500



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