無料ゆかたレッスン 祇園祭編
Thank you to everyone who attended the free yukata lesson for Gion Festival this year!!
This year 7 people came and the lesson lasted about an hour.
帯の結び方説明中~ Working on tying the obi...
ゆかたの基本の結び方、蝶結びをしました リボンの形をしていますので、外国の方でも親しみやすい結び方だと思います
We tied the obi into a ribbon shape. This is the most basic and easy to understand of obi-tying methods for yukata. It's easier to tie the obi when you have an idea of what it should look like!
It was a short lesson but everyone did a great job! Don't they look great??
I hope everyone has lots of chances to wear their yukata and use their new skills!
レッスンの前までに雨が激しく降ったり、やんだりしていましたが、レッスンが終わったころにはもう降っていなかったです いいタイミングでしたね
Before the lesson there were sudden rainstorms throughout the day, but by the time the lesson was over it was hardly raining at all! There weren't any more downpours for the evening, either. Pretty great timing!
今日は宵宵山、明日は宵山ですね!まだまだお祭りが続きます 是非ゆかたでお祭りに出かけましょう!
Two more days of festival nights before the big parade! Throw on your yukata and go check it out!
I think I'll head over to the "Toroyama" (the float with a praying mantis on it!) and pick up some buggy goods before it's too late...
Check out the site below for a map of the festivities! (Japanese) http://www.digistyle-kyoto.com/kanko/gionmatsuri09/map.html